• Post published:June 14, 2020
  • Post category:News
  • Post comments:0 Comments

On 12th of June 2020 at 15:15 CET on Skype it took place another virtual meeting.
The meeting was attended by

  •  Sarah (Mobilizing Expertise)
  •  Serena (Sharing Europe)
  • Antonino (Youth Europe Service)
  • Guillermo (IYDA)
  • Nermin (IYDA)
  • Mike (Kainotomia)
  • Carlos (Geoclube)


  1.  Updates from Germany
  2. Updates from Portugal
  3.  Updates from Sweden
  4. Updates from Greece
  5. Updates from Firenze
  6. Updates from Potenza

The Newsletter is finished and available for translation.
The Focus Groups for all partners is finished regarding the migrants and refugees.
However, interviewing NGOs is a challenge for all partners, since they are not interested in participating by e-mail or phone interviews. We have decided to keep the deadline open until we can complete the interviews.

About the extension of the project, the National Agency replied that if we want to  have an extension, this would be possible but we have to provide detailed reasons for our request.
IYDA proposes the time frame for the C2 activity in Germany from the 23 rd March – 1 st April 2021.
If the deadline of submission for Erasmus projects is maintained as every year, the Training in Germany will be suggested to delay one week. Nevertheless, changes in the Erasmus program are expected. We will know in November.

The next TPM in Greece will probably be online. It has been suggested to make the training in five days and it must be recorded. The days can be spaced in time and not necessarily consecutive.
IYDA will contact the National Agency to ask if it is possible to conduct the training online.

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